Universal Class Mobile
Universal Class is a video-centered education company with over 500 courses. Universal Class partners with libraries and educational institutions so they offer a wide variety of classes to users.
• Reduce the registration drop-off rate
• Simplify the UX and increase the class registration success rate
• Modernize the UI and improve the accessibility
My Role
• Research
• UX Strategy & Roadmapping
• UI Design
• User Testing
Understanding The Problem
Currently, Universal Class only allows users to sign up via email. They wanted to expand their capabilities to include multi-login types and bake when a user connects their library to get a free account. Before, users had to have their library generate an account via the email connected to their library account. This meant that users with no email address on file in the local library were inconvenienced which prevented them from making use of their benefits.
Mapping the flow
I collaborated with the Universal Class team to map out the future desired login flow ​​​​​​​
After we nailed down a drafted flow, I provided a few mockups to facilitate the decision of the visual direction
Library Sign-up
Library partners would have to manually create an account for each library patron upon request. Now, the library will send Universal class a bulk list of new library accounts and they can connect their library account through the sign-up process. 
Users can now sign up via email or connect their Google and Linkedin accounts. Our goal was to keep this process simple while capturing information for lead generation early.
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